共用题干 The Fat Problem That Men FaceIt is a pleasure to see men of a certain a...

admin2020-12-24  27

问题 共用题干
The Fat Problem That Men Face

It is a pleasure to see men of a certain age worrying about their weight.Listening to them is not such a
pleasure.Because the men are new at the game,they don't hesitate to discuss the fat problem incessantly.
However women of the same age do not discuss the fat problem,especially not in mixed company.They
prefer to face the problem with quiet dignity.Discussing the problem might only draw attention to some stray
body part that may be successfully tucked away under an article of clothing.
The age at which a man begins to explore the fat problem can vary.The actual problem can manifest
itself in the early 30's,but broad-range discussion usually starts later. There are early nonverbal symptoms.
I'ye watched the rugged journalist who shares my apartment sneak by with a Diet Coke.His shirts are no
longer neatly tucked in to display a trim waist.Recently he has begun to verbalize his anxiety.He tells me,
with a sheepish grin,that he is taking his suits to Chinatown to have them"tailored".
Still older men have lost their dignity and rattle on unabashedly.Often wives and children play impor-
tant roles in their fat-inspection rituals.Take my oldest brother,a former college football player. His daugh-
ter says that several times a day he will stand at attention and call out,"Fat,medium or thin?"She knows
the correct answer:medium.Thin would be an obvious stretch,and fat may not get her that new video.
According to his wife,he stands in front of the mirror in the morning(before the day's meals take their
toll),puts his hands behind his head and lurches into a side bend,then clutches the roll that has developed
and says,"am I getting fatter?"His wife is expected to answer."you look like you may have lost a few
And then there are the ex-husbands a pitiful group.They are extremely vocal.When I go to the movies
with one,he confides that he is suffering from great hunger because he is dieting. He hasn't eaten since the
pancakes and sausages he wolfed down that morning.He pauses in、his monologue while he buys his
popcorn.After the movie,we sprint to a restaurant,where he again pauses to devour a basket of bread.
Before he orders his chaste salad and soup,he grows plaintive.Do I think he's fat?

选项 Men usually begin to worry about their weight when they are nearly 40.
C:Not mentioned


解析文章第一段说看到某一年龄段的那些男人们为他们的体重而担心是一件有趣的事情, 而听他们谈论这件事就不那么有趣了。因为这些男人们在这个问题上还是新手,他们总是毫 不迟疑地、没完没了地谈论发福的问题。
第一段第三句话说某一年龄的女人们不谈论发福的问题,尤其是当有男士在场的时 候。"in mixed company”在这个句子中的意思是“在既有女士也有男士的社交场合。”"in the presence of men”的意思是“在男士面前,,。
第二段第一句话说男人们开始为发福的问题而担心的年龄各不相同,因此该题说男人 们通常在将近四十岁的时候开始为体重的问题而担心是不正确的。
第二段中提到的那位记者过去并不喝无糖的健怡可乐,而且过去他常把衬衫在裤子中 是为了显示自己纤细的腰部,而不是为了保持体型。
作者在第三段第一句话中说比那位记者还要年长一些的男士们在发胖这个问题上已 经丧失了自尊,总是喋喋不休地谈论自己的体重。接着作者以自己的大哥为例说明尽管如此, 他们还是不希望听到自己的妻子和孩子说自己胖。
文章对后一段提到离了婚的男士们在发福这个问题上最令人同情,但并没有提到是因 为身边没有夫人来同情他们。第3部分:概括大意与完成句子