
admin2020-12-24  19

问题 甲公司向乙公司购买水泵一台,为支付货款,签发了一张以自己为出票人、以乙公司为收款人、以M银行为承兑人、票面金额为30万元、到期日为2016年8月3日的银行承兑汇票,并交付给乙公司。甲公司和M银行均在该汇票上进行了签章。



解析【1】 A在原始凭证上伪造乙公司的签章不会导致该汇票无效。根据规定,票据上有伪造签章的,不影响票据上其他真实签章的效力。可以看出,伪造签章不会直接导致汇票无效,本题中,A在原始汇票上伪造乙公司的签章后背书给丙公司,而甲公司、M银行的签章均为真实的,该汇票仍为有效。(2分) A forging the signature of Company B on the original certificate will not invalidate the bill of exchange. According to regulations, forged signatures on a negotiable instrument shall not affect the validity of other authentic signatures on the instrument. It can be seen that forged signature will not directly lead to invalid bill of exchange. In this case, A forged signature of Company B on the original bill of exchange and endorsed it to Company C, while signatures of Company A and Bank M are both true and the bill of exchange is still valid. 【2】 丙公司可以向甲公司追索。根据规定,票据上有伪造签章的,不影响票据上其他真实签章的效力。在票据上真正签章的当事人,仍应对被伪造的票据的债权人承担票据责任,票据债权人在提示承兑、提示付款或者行使追索权时,在票据上真正签章人不能以伪造为由进行抗辩。本题中,甲公司属于在汇票上真正签章的当事人,在丙公司行使追索权时,真正签章人甲公司不能以伪造为由进行抗辩。(2分) Company C may have recourse against Company A. According to regulations, forged signatures on a negotiable instrument shall not affect the validity of other authentic signatures on the instrument. The party who actually signs the bill shall still be liable to the creditor of the forged bill. When the creditor of the bill presents for acceptance, presents for payment or exercises the right of recourse, the real signer on the bill shall not plead forgery. In this case, Company A is the party who really signs the bill of exchange. When Company C exercises the right of recourse, Company A, who really signs the bill of exchange, cannot plead forgery. 【3】 丙公司无权向A追索。根据规定,由于伪造人没有以自己的名义签章,因此不承担票据责任。但是,如果伪造人的行为给他人造成损失的,必须承担民事责任;构成犯罪的,还应承担刑事责任。在本题中,A属于伪造人,A在票据上没有以自己的名义签章,因此,A不承担票据责任。(2分) Company C has no right of recourse against A. According to the regulations, since the forger did not sign in his own name, he is not liable for the bill. However, if the forger's act causes losses to others, he must bear civil liability; If the case constitutes a crime, the offender shall also bear criminal responsibility. In this case, A is the forger. A did not sign the bill in his own name. Therefore, A is not liable for the bill. 【4】 M银行可以拒绝丁公司的付款请求。根据规定,丁公司持有的汇票属于汇票本身的伪造,该汇票属于无效票据,丁公司不享有票据权利,本题中,丁公司取得的汇票为“克隆汇票”,其上所有的签章均不是当事人以真实意思所签,该汇票本身无效,M银行是可以拒绝付款的。(2分) Bank M can refuse Company D's request for payment. According to the regulation, the draft held by the Company D is a forgery of the draft, the bill of exchange is an invalid instrument and Company D has no rights thereon. In this case, the draft obtained by Company D is a "clone draft". All the signatures on the draft are not signed by the parties in the true sense. The draft is invalid and Bank M can refuse to pay. 【5】 丁公司无权向乙公司追索。由于该汇票本身无效,自始不产生票据效力,因此丁公司不能依据该汇票行使追索权。但丁公司可以基于双方的买卖合同要求乙公司承担民事责任。(2分) Company D has no right of recourse against Company B. As the bill is invalid and does not have the effect of the bill from the beginning, Company B cannot exercise the right of recourse according to the bill. However, Company D may require Company B to bear civil liability based on the sales contract between the two parties.(5 marks)