Opera seemed to be overweight actresses

恬恬2019-12-17  11

问题 Opera seemed to be overweight actresses singing words hard to understand.

选项 A:overcome        B:overdressC:fleshy        D:elegant


解析歌剧似乎是胖胖的女演员唱着难懂的东西。overcome“战胜,克服”,如:He has a strong spirit to overcome difficulties.他有战胜困难的顽强精神。overdress“穿着太讲究”, 如:One should avoid overdressing as well as appearing sloppy.应当避免穿着过度讲究或显得选遏。fleshy“略胖的”,如:He is well-built, but too fleshy to be impressive.他肌肉发达,但太胖了,没给人留下好印象。elegant“优稚的”,如:She is an elegant lady with good breeding.她是一个有着良好教养的优稚的淑女。只有fleshy意思上和overweight最接近。