After working with him for quite a while

恬恬2019-12-17  14

问题 After working with him for quite a while,she consented to be his wife.

选项 A:agreed        B:madeC:allowed        D:promised


解析本句意思:“与他共事相当长一段时间后,她答应做他的妻子。” agree:同意,例如:I don't agree with what they're doing.我不赞同他们正在做的事情。make:制造,例如: Can I make a suggestion?我可以提个建议吗?allow:允许,许可,例如:These glasses allow you to see the film in three-D.这副眼镜让你能看立体电影。promise:许诺,例如:If you make a promise you should fulfill it.如果你许诺了,你就要履行你的诺言。斌