ABC会计师事务所的A注册会计师担任多家被审计单位2018年度财务报表审计的项目合伙人,遇到下列与审计报告相关的事项:   (1)甲公司采用预计未来现金...

admin2020-12-24  23

问题 ABC会计师事务所的A注册会计师担任多家被审计单位2018年度财务报表审计的项目合伙人,遇到下列与审计报告相关的事项:



解析 (1)保留意见审计报告。存在影响重大但不具有广泛性的披露错报。   (2)无法表示意见的审计报告。因为乙公司存在多项不确定事项,注册会计师无法就管理层采取的措施获取充分适当的证据证明其能够有效改善乙公司的持续经营能力。   (3)带其他事项段的无保留意见审计报告。应当在其他事项段中说明对应数据未经审计,且2017年的错报已经进行了更正,不会对本期审计意见产生影响。   (4)无法表示意见的审计报告。因为管理层不提供按照适用的财务报告编制基础编制财务报表并使其公允反映的责任,这对财务报表的影响是广泛的,注册会计师无法获取充分、适当的审计证据,应发表无法表示意见的审计报告。   (5)否定意见的审计报告。该错报单独对财务报表的影响重大且具有广泛性。   [Answer]   (1)Qualified audit report. There are significant but not extensive disclosure misstatements.   (2)An audit report with a disclaimer of opinion. Because there are many uncertainties in Company B, CPAs are unable to obtain sufficient and appropriate evidences on the measures taken by management to prove that they can effectively improve the sustainability of Company B.   (3) Qualified audit report with other-matter paragraphs. The content of the other matter paragraph shall state the corresponding data have not been audited and the misstatement of 2017 has been corrected, which will not affect the audit opinion of the current period.   (4)An audit report with a disclaimer of opinion. Because the management does not provide the applicable basis for the preparation of financial statements that cannot certify the fair-presentation quality of the financial statements, this has a wide impact on the financial statements. The certified public accountants are unable to obtain sufficient and appropriate audit evidence and should issue the audit report with a disclaimer of opinion.   (5)A audit report with an adverse opinion. The auditor shall express an adverse opinion when the auditor concludes that misstatements, individually or in the aggregate, are both material and pervasive to the financial statements.