
admin2020-12-24  8

问题 (本小题10分,可以选用中文或英文解答,如使用英文解答,须全部使用英文,答题正确的,增加5分,最高得分为15分。)A公司为增值税一般纳税人,其存货和机器设备适用的增值税税率均为13%。2×14年至2×15年发生的与固定资产相关的业务资料如下:



解析(1)【正确答案】2×14年该生产线安装完毕达到预定可使用状态时成本=800+10+70+100+100+8+12=1 100(万元)(1分) ①借:在建工程880    应交税费——应交增值税(进项税额)104    贷:银行存款984(0.5分) ②借:在建工程220    贷:原材料100      应付职工薪酬100      银行存款20(0.5分) 借:管理费用 8   贷:银行存款 8 借:财务费用 5   贷:应付利息 5(0.5分) ③借:固定资产1 100    贷:在建工程1 100(0.5分) In year 2×14, when the production line completed the installation and are ready for intended use, the cost is 800+10+70+100+100+8+12=1 100 (in ten thousand Yuan) (1 point) ①Dr: Construction in process 880 Tax payable —— Value added tax payable (Input VAT) 104 Cr: Bank deposit 984 ②Dr: Construction in process 220 Cr: Raw materials 100 Payroll payable 100 Bank deposit 20 Dr:General administrative expense 8 Cr. Bank deposit 8 Dr:Financial expense 5 Cr: Interest payable 5 ③Dr:Fixed asset 1 100 Cr:Construction in process 1 100 (4分) 【答案解析】 【该题针对“固定资产的核算(综合)”知识点进行考核】 (2)【正确答案】2×15年12月31日更新改造前固定资产的账面价值为1 100-1 100/10×1.5-35=900(万元)(0.5分) 被替换部分的账面价值=220-220/1 100×1 100/10×1.5-220/1 100×35=180(万元)(0.5分) 2×16年6月30日,该生产线安装完毕达到预定可使用状态时的账面价值=900-180+240+5=965(万元)(1分) ①借:在建工程900    固定资产减值准备35    累计折旧165    贷:固定资产1 100(0.5分) ②借:在建工程245    应交税费——应交增值税(进项税额)38.4    贷:银行存款283.4(0.5分) ③借:银行存款8    营业外支出172    贷:在建工程180(0.5分) ④借:固定资产965    贷:在建工程965(0.5分) The book value of the fixed asset before the renovation and reformation on Dec 31th 2×15 is 100/10×1.5-35=900 (in ten thousand Yuan) (0.5 points) The book value of the replaced parts are 220-220/1 100×1 100/10×1.5-220/1 100×35=180 (in ten thousand Yuan) (0.5 points) On Jun 30th 2×16, when the production line completed the installation and are ready for intended use, it’s book value is 900-180+240+5=965 (in ten thousand Yuan) ①Dr: Construction in process 900    Impairment of the fixed asset 35    Accumulated depreciation 165    Cr: Fixed asset 1100 ②Dr: Construction in process 245    Tax payable --- Value added tax payable (Input VAT) 38.4    Cr. Bank deposit 283.4 ③Dr: Bank deposit 8    Non-business expense 172    Cr: Construction in process 180 ④Dr: Fixed assets 965    Cr: Construction in process 965 (6分) 【答案解析】 【该题针对“固定资产的核算(综合)”知识点进行考核】 (3)【正确答案】固定资产折旧年限以及折旧方法变更属于会计估计变更,应从2×17年7月1日起,按照重新预计的使用年限以及折旧方法计算折旧额。(1分) 该生产线2×16年折旧额=965/8/12×6=60.31(万元) 2×17年1至6月份的折旧额=965/8/12×6=60.31(万元)(0.5分) 2×17年6月30日该生产线的账面价值=965-60.31×2=844.38(万元)(0.5分) 2×17年7至12月份的折旧额=844.38×5/(1+2+3+4+5)×6/12=140.73(万元)(0.5分) 2×17年甲公司应计提的折旧=60.31+140.73=201.04(万元)(0.5分) The changes of depreciable life of a fixed asset and of depreciation methods are changes in accounting estimates. The calculation of depreciation expense should be based on new estimated useful life and depreciation method since July 1, 2×17. The depreciation expense of the product line in year 2×16 is 965/8/12×6=60.31 (in ten thousand Yuan) The depreciation expenses from January to June in 2×17 are 965/8/12×6=60.31 (in ten thousand Yuan) The book value of the product line on January 1st 2×17 is 965-60.31×2=844.38 (in ten thousand Yuan) The depreciation expense from July to December in 2×17 is 844.38×5/(1+2+3+4+5)/12×6=140.73 (in ten thousand Yuan) The depreciation expense Company Jia in 2×17 is 60.31+140.73=201.04 (in ten thousand Yuan) (5分) 【答案解析】 【该题针对“固定资产的核算(综合)”知识点进行考核】 (2)【正确答案】2×15年12月31日更新改造前固定资产的账面价值为1 100-1 100/10×1.5-35=900(万元)(0.5分) 被替换部分的账面价值=220-220/1 100×1 100/10×1.5-220/1 100×35=180(万元)(0.5分) 2×16年6月30日,该生产线安装完毕达到预定可使用状态时的账面价值=900-180+240+5=965(万元)(1分) ①借:在建工程900    固定资产减值准备35    累计折旧165    贷:固定资产1 100(0.5分) ②借:在建工程245    应交税费——应交增值税(进项税额)38.4    贷:银行存款283.4(0.5分) ③借:银行存款8    营业外支出172    贷:在建工程180(0.5分) ④借:固定资产965    贷:在建工程965(0.5分) The book value of the fixed asset before the renovation and reformation on Dec 31th 2×15 is 100/10×1.5-35=900 (in ten thousand Yuan) (0.5 points) The book value of the replaced parts are 220-220/1 100×1 100/10×1.5-220/1 100×35=180 (in ten thousand Yuan) (0.5 points) On Jun 30th 2×16, when the production line completed the installation and are ready for intended use, it’s book value is 900-180+240+5=965 (in ten thousand Yuan) ①Dr: Construction in process 900    Impairment of the fixed asset 35    Accumulated depreciation 165    Cr: Fixed asset 1100 ②Dr: Construction in process 245    Tax payable --- Value added tax payable (Input VAT) 38.4    Cr. Bank deposit 283.4 ③Dr: Bank deposit 8    Non-business expense 172    Cr: Construction in process 180 ④Dr: Fixed assets 965    Cr: Construction in process 965 (6分) 【答案解析】 【该题针对“固定资产的核算(综合)”知识点进行考核】 (3)【正确答案】固定资产折旧年限以及折旧方法变更属于会计估计变更,应从2×17年7月1日起,按照重新预计的使用年限以及折旧方法计算折旧额。(1分) 该生产线2×16年折旧额=965/8/12×6=60.31(万元) 2×17年1至6月份的折旧额=965/8/12×6=60.31(万元)(0.5分) 2×17年6月30日该生产线的账面价值=965-60.31×2=844.38(万元)(0.5分) 2×17年7至12月份的折旧额=844.38×5/(1+2+3+4+5)×6/12=140.73(万元)(0.5分) 2×17年甲公司应计提的折旧=60.31+140.73=201.04(万元)(0.5分) The changes of depreciable life of a fixed asset and of depreciation methods are changes in accounting estimates. The calculation of depreciation expense should be based on new estimated useful life and depreciation method since July 1, 2×17. The depreciation expense of the product line in year 2×16 is 965/8/12×6=60.31 (in ten thousand Yuan) The depreciation expenses from January to June in 2×17 are 965/8/12×6=60.31 (in ten thousand Yuan) The book value of the product line on January 1st 2×17 is 965-60.31×2=844.38 (in ten thousand Yuan) The depreciation expense from July to December in 2×17 is 844.38×5/(1+2+3+4+5)/12×6=140.73 (in ten thousand Yuan) The depreciation expense Company Jia in 2×17 is 60.31+140.73=201.04 (in ten thousand Yuan) (5分) 【答案解析】 【该题针对“固定资产的核算(综合)”知识点进行考核】