
admin2020-12-24  19

问题   2016年3月5日,A果品厂(以下简称“A厂”)与B经销公司(以下简称“B公司”)签订了一份买卖合同。该合同约定:B公司向A厂供应50吨一级绵糖,总价款为人民币130万元;在合同签订之后20日内,由A厂先以银行承兑汇票的方式预付人民币40万元货款,另外支付25万元的定金;B公司在同年8月上旬一次向A厂交货;A厂收到货物并验收合格后30日内一次向B公司付清余款;同时约定违约金为30万元。



解析  (1)A厂和B公司签订买卖合同中约定的25万元定金合法。根据规定,定金的数额由当事人约定,但不得超过主合同标的额的20%。本题中,主合同标的额的总价款为130万元,定金数额25万元并没有超过总价款的20%,因此是符合规定的。(2分)   The agreed deposit of RMB 250,000 in contract signed by Factory A and Factory B was lawful. According to the regulations, the amount of the deposit shall be agreed by the parties, which shall not exceed 20% of the amount of the main contract. The total amount in this question is RMB 1.3 million, and the deposit amount is RMB 250,000 that less than 20% of the total amount. Therefore, it was in compliance with the regulation.   (2)A厂开出的银行承兑汇票属于见票后定期付款的汇票。(1分)   The bank acceptance bill issued by the Factory A belonged to the bill which is payable at a fixed period after sight.   (3)承兑行不能拒绝支付D公司提示的银行承兑汇票。票据债务人可以对不履行约定义务的与自己有直接债权债务关系的持票人,进行抗辩。承兑人与持票人不是直接债权债务关系当事人,因此承兑行不得以基础关系的抗辩事由对抗持票人的票据权利。(2分)   The accepting bank cannot refuse to pay the bank acceptance bill prompted by Company D. A person liable for a bill may set up defenses against the holder who has a direct creditor - debtor relationship with him and does not perform the obligations agreed upon. The acceptor and holder are not parties to the direct creditor's debt relationship, so the accepting bank may not counter the holder's bill rights with the defense of the underlying relationship.   (4)D公司在其提示付款遭拒绝后,可以向B公司、承兑行、A厂之中的任何一人或数人行使追索权。(1分)   Company D may exercise recourse to any one or several of Company B, the accepting bank and the Factory A after the bill of exchange indicated by the company has been refused payment.   (5)A厂不可以同时要求B公司双倍返还定金并支付违约金。根据规定,在合同中,如果当事人既约定违约金又约定定金的,在一方违约时,当事人只能选择其中之一,不能同时要求适用两个条款。(2分)   A厂应要求B公司支付违约金,则B公司在返还25万元定金的同时,支付30万元违约赔偿金,如果要求B公司双倍返还定金,则B公司在返还25万元定金的同时,适用定金罚则,需再支付25万元。所以A厂应要求B公司支付违约金对A厂更有利。(2分)   Factory A cannot ask Company B to return the double deposit and pay liquidated damages. According to the regulations, in the contract, if the parties agree to both the liquidated damages and the deposit, the parties can only choose one of them, and cannot apply the two terms at the same time.   Factory A should require Company B to pay liquidated damages. If Company B returns a deposit of RMB 250,000, it shall also pay RMB 300,000 of liquidated damages. If Company B is required to return twice the amount of the deposit, Company B shall return the deposit of RMB 250,000 and another RMB 250,000 at the same time depending on the deposit rule. Therefore, Factory A is better to require the Company B to pay liquidated damages. (5 marks)