
admin2020-12-24  25

问题 2018年5月10日,无权代理人甲以A公司的名义签发一张50万元的银行承兑汇票给B公司,B公司明知甲没有代理权而接受票据,该汇票上记载收款人为B公司,付款人为乙银行且已在票据上加盖承兑章,付款日期为2018年8月10日。



解析【1】 B公司没有取得票据权利。根据规定,相对人明知代理人没有代理权,该代理行为不发生效力,相对人不能取得票据权利,本人与无权代理人均不承担票据责任。(2分) Company B did not obtain the bill right. According to the regulation, if the counterpart knows the agent has no power of agency, the agency act is invalid and the counterpart cannot obtain the bill right. The principle and unauthorized agent do not bear the liabilities for the bill. 【2】 E公司可以向甲行使追索权,但不能向A公司行使追索权。根据规定,票据狭义无权代理行为中的相对人又将票据进行背书,持票人可以因满足善意取得的要件而取得票据权利,此时无权代理中的本人不承担票据责任,但无权代理人对票据权利人承担票据责任。(2分) Company E can exercise the right of recourse against A instead of Company A. According to the regulation, when the counterpart in bill behavior of unauthorized agency in narrow sense endorses, the holder can obtain bill right because of the bona fide possession of bill rights is satisfied. At this time, the actor in unauthorized agency is not liable for the bill, but the unauthorized agent is liable for the bill to the holder. 【3】 E公司不能向F公司行使追索权。根据规定,保证人未在票据或粘单上记载“保证”字样而另行签订保证合同或保证条款的,不属于票据保证。(2分) Company E cannot exercise the right of recourse against Company F. According to the regulation, guarantors sign another guaranty contract or a guaranty rather than write the word “Guarantee” on the bill or allonge, it is not a bill guarantee. 【4】 乙银行拒绝付款的理由不成立。根据规定,票据资金关系属于票据基础关系,票据基础关系的瑕疵并不影响票据行为的效力,所以该银行的承兑行为的效力不受影响,持票人有权请求该银行承担票据责任。(2分) The reason for refusing to pay by Bank B is invalid, bill capital relationship is the basic bill relationship. Defects in the basic relationship of bill do not affect its validity. Therefore, the effectiveness of acceptance action by bank is unaffected, and bill holder has right to request the bank bear the liabilities for the bill. 【5】 C公司拒绝E公司、D公司的理由成立。根据规定,票据债务人可以对不履行约定义务的与自己有直接债权债务关系的持票人,进行抗辩。所以C公司可以拒绝D公司。票据债务人不得以自己与与持票人的前手之间的抗辩事由,对抗持票人;但是,持票人明知存在抗辩事由而取得票据的除外。所以C公司可以拒绝E公司。(2分) The reason for refusing Company E and Company D by Company C is valid. According to the regulation, bill obligors may refuse bearers which have a direct debtor-creditor relationship with said obligors and which have fulfill their obligations so Company C may refuse Company D. Bill obligors shall not refuse the claims of the bearer using defenses asserted against the drawer or the prior bearer except in the case when the bearer has acquired the bill with full knowledge of said defenses, so Company C may refuse Company E.(5 marks)